Spring Roof Inspection
Metal Roofing AdviceAnnual Spring Roof Inspection | Top 10 Things to Look For
It is important to do a "Walk-Around" of your roof each spring or after any extreme weather event. Canadian winters are harsh and often temperatures will rise and fall in a short span…

Metal Roofing Warranties Exposed | Loopholes Revealed
Metal Roofing AdviceWe get it, buckling down to read a metal roofing warranty is probably the last thing you want to do at the end of a busy day. But if you are seriously considering investing in a permanent roofing product, doing your homework could end up saving…

Why Batten Mounted Metal Roofing is a Poor Choice
Metal Roofing AdviceMany batten mount products are batten mounted because of their inferior design. In other words, the design of the product requires it to be installed on battens. Battens for them are not really a good thing though they try to spin it that way.…

Metal Roofing Decking, Battens and Underlayment
Metal Roofing AdviceThere are two general choices when it comes to the substrate that is used beneath metal roofing. The choice is between installing the metal roofing panels over battens or over solid decking. This blog article will look at both options.

Top 10 Things to Consider Before Upgrading to Metal Roofing
Metal Roofing AdviceHomeowners are increasingly considering upgrading to a permanent metal roofing system for the added style and benefits that it offers. Permanent metal roofing is an investment in your home and to help you get the best return on your investment,…